Brown Township, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania (PA)

Brown Township

Mifflin County, Pennsylvania

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Township municipal offices are located at 7748 State Road 655, Reedsville, PA 17084.
Phone: 717‑667‑2531.

Beginnings [1]

Brown Township was erected in January, 1837, and was named for Judge William Brown, the first settler in the Kishacoquillas Valley. A petition was presented at the April term of court in 1836 asking for a division of Armagh and Union Townships and the formation of two new, townships in that part of the county. Robert Miles, D. R. Reynolds and Thomas I. Postlewait were appointed viewers and on July 30, 1836, recommended the division of the township as asked for by the petitioners. A map was presented by the viewers describing Brown township as five and a half miles in length and having an average width of four and a half miles. The January term of court, 1837, ordered the erection of Brown Township, which had at that time 211 taxpayers and property valued at nearly half a million dollars.

William Brown, James Reed and Robert Taylor took out land warrants and settled in 1755. Brown built a grist-mill and saw-mill in 1781 where Reedsville now stands. The place was known as Brown's Mills until Reedsville was erected in 1838. Other pioneers were Samuel Milliken who settled in the township in 1772, Abraham Sanford, who operated a grist-mill as early as 1772. Still-houses were built by William Brown, 1790; William Henry, 1791, John Fleming about 1795 and Samuel Milliken about 1800. Stills were operated at an early date by Matthew Taylor, John Cooper and Kyle&Milliken. James, Jonas and George Spangler began the manufacture of gun barrels in 1812. John Fleming had, a grist and woolen mill and John Taylor, a tanyard about 1813.

  1. National Historical Association, Inc., A History of the Juniata Valley, 1936, The Telegraph Press, Harrisburg

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