Almont, West Rockhill Township, Bucks County PA


West Rockhill Twp, Bucks County, PA

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  • School District: Pennridge
  • Post Office: Sellersville
  • Zip Code: 18960

Almont [†] and the surrounding area were settled early in the township's history, principally by Pennsylvania Germans. The land on which the Almont Inn now stands was conveyed to Jeremiah Langhorne in 1713. The originaJ inn was constructed of logs and is now located in the center of the existing inn. A cemetery was started in Almont around 1750. SupposedJy, the unmarked tombstones in the cemetery are placed over Indian graves.

The settlement's early name was Schlieter for a prominent local family. The ground for the village's first church building was donated by Enos Schlieter in 1826. A stone church was built on the land through the combined efforts of three denominations — Lutheran, Reformed, and Mennonite. Jacob Schlieter became postmaster of the first post office in 1868, and the village was named Schlieter at that time. The post office name was later changed to Almont, but the source of its name and the reasons for the change is not definitely known.

Almont was once an important political center and was included as a public meeting site in aJI the early presidential election campaigns. A German language speaker was often present at the meetings to attract the Pennsylvania Germanvoters.

In 1868, Almont consisted of a hotel, store, church, several shops, and about eight to ten dwellings. The village appears to have changed little since 1868, the main difference being the increase in the number of dwellings to about 25. The Almont Inn is still maintained in excellent condition, as is the church (now the Jeremiah Union Church). Several large, older homes are found in Almont, along with newer residential development. A vacant building, which once housed a country store and the post office, js now being converted to a flower shop.

† Bucks County Commissioners, The Villages of Bucks County: A Guidebook, undated (probably 1987).

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