Huron City, Beadle County, South Dakota (SD)

Huron City

Beadle County, South Dakota

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Pyle House Museum

Huron [†], the seat of government for Beadle County, was established by the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad in 1879 and 1880 to serve as a hub for its expansive network in Dakota Territory. The city, which is located on the west bank of the James River, was incorporated in 1883. It quickly grew to be a major commercial and transportation center for the surrounding farming community. Huron was also a formidable candidate for state capital and became embroiled in several costly campaigns for that position, which eventually left the community financially hardshipped but without the desired prize. Nevertheless, the city persevered. One of its greatest attractions has been the annual State Fair that brings in thousands of vendors and patrons from across South Dakota.

† Tarnra Misner, with technical assistance by John Rau, SHPO staff, Hattie 0. and Henry Drake Octogon House, nomination document, 1991, National Register of Historic Places, Washington, D.C.

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