Mount Pleasant Borough, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (PA)

Mount Pleasant Borough

Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania

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Mount Pleasant Borough offices are located at 1 Etze Avenue, Mount Pleasant PA 15666; phone 724‑547‑6745.


Public school students attend the Mount Pleasant Area School District. Settlers were laying out the area as early as 1797; the boro was incorporated February 7, 1828 from land formerly part of East Huntingdon Township.

Historic District – the Mount Pleasant Historic District was listed the National Register of Historic Places in 1998. The district encompasses and area substantially one block to the north and south of West Main Street. Documentation identifies over 260 individual contributing structures located on Main Street, Shape Street, College Avenue, East Washington Street, Church Street, Walnut Street, Court Street, Eagle Street and West Smithfield Street.

Beginnings [1]

Mount Pleasant was incorporated as a borough in the year 1828. The first burgess was Abraham Shellenberger. The assistant burgess in the first year of the municipality was Jesse Lippencott, and the members of council were Messrs. Jacob Rupert, Rev. Dr. Samuel Wakefield, Jacob Kern, Robert Hitchman, John Hosler, David Fullwood and John Hitchman. Mr. Fullwood was the secretary and Mr. Hitchman the treasurer. When the borough was organized there were but 300 citizens. Now the town has a population of 6,000. This growth cannot be considered, however, as a criterion, for the post office at Mt. Pleasant serves from 14,000 to 16,000 people. The growth of the town has not been rapid, but constant. There has been at no time a boom The increase in population is due entirely to natural conditions-site facilities and a progressive spirit that has won for the town a number of Manufacturing enterprises of national fame.

The corporate history of the borough has practically been lost sight of. The records are not at hand to show the names of all the chief executives. Nor is there any history in existence to record each and every step as it has been made for advancement. But the trademark is there. In every business place and every residence is seen the evidence, of a satisfied, happy existence. Manufacturing centers have a class of soiled and surly folk. None of these are to be found in Mount Pleasant. Families whose histories are a credit to the state and nation maintain their residences here. The mere fact that a man resides in Mount Pleasant has for more than half a century been an open sesame to all business and Coming down to the present, the town of Mount Pleasant occupies a place of prominence among the progressive municipalities of the state of Pennsylvania.

  1. Ashcomb, L.B., ed Mount Pleasant PA, 1919, Uniontown PA

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