Everett Borough, Bedford County, Pennsylvania (PA)

Everett Borough

Bedford County, Pennsylvania

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Borough municipal offices are located at 10 East South Street, Everett PA 15537.
Phone: 814‑652‑2932.

The borough was incorporated as Bloody Run from West Providence Township. Name was changed to Everett in 1873. The Everett Iron Furnace company began operation in 1884, but quickly turned into a failure financially. Joseph E. Thropp subsequently acquired the property and successfully operated a pig-iron operation through the first two decades of the 20th century, outlasting almost all the ante-bellum iron businesses in the Upper Juniata Valley. Thropp went bankrupt in 1924. Eventually, the property was taken over by the PA Turnpike. Some of the old furnace buildings are used for storage of vehicles and equipment.

Historic District

The Everett Historic District is located within the Borough of Everett. Everett is situated in the central eastern section of Bedford County, Pennsylvania, eight miles east of Bedford. The town is focused along two major streets, Main Street (Route 30) which travels east and west, and Spring Street (PA 26) which travels north and south. Main Street shares the route of the Pennsylvania Road and the 1913 Lincoln Highway. A 1928 Lincoln Highway marker stands at the western edge of town and is a contributing object. The district contains 362 buildings. Of these, 300, or eighty percent, are contributing resources. An additional approximately 150 secondary buildings excluded from the resource count and inventory serve as garages, sheds, or barns. Building dates range from circa 1830 to 1952. Exhibited within the district are styles from ranging from Federal through Craftsman. Sixty-two (62) noncontributing buildings are scattered throughout the district. The district retains integrity.

The southern boundary of Everett Borough is the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River. The main street of the town, traveling east-west, runs parallel to the river roughly two blocks from its northern bank. Except at the valley created by Bloody Run and paralleled by North Spring Street, the town is confined by steep topography on its northern boundary to a depth of two blocks as well. The valley running north-south is two blocks deep on either side of North Spring Street. The western boundary is essentially a rock outcrop of Tussey Mountain, while the eastern boundary is the steep and rugged Warriors Ridge. This created a three-pronged growth pattern for the early settlement of Everett. The historic district is delineated by these natural features, while limited on the northern prong by more modem development north of Fifth Street. The approximately 120 acre Everett Historic District encompasses roughly 70 blocks in the central part of the Borough, extending from the intersection of Main Street, Route 30, formerly the Lincoln Highway, and Spring Street, Route 26.

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